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Wellness and Life Coaching

Wellness/ Life Coaching

If you have found yourself reading this page, you will have undoubtedly already realise that life has a habit of throwing us all manner of challenges that can stop us in our tracks when we least expect it.


Or we can find ourselves at a cross roads feeling lost, bewildered not really knowing which way to turn for the best or what direction to take.

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Are you asking yourself any of these questions?


  • Do you feel dissatisfied with some area of your life and want to make changes? (Relationships, work, career or creative expression etc.)

  • Do you want more clarity, direction and confidence to take the next steps?

  • Do you know what you want but would like some support developing strategies to help you achieve more success?

  • Are you looking to discover ways to be more happy and productive?

  • Do you want to find a way to do the work you love and love the work you do?

  • Are you experiencing some form of transition and are looking for direction or seeking to get yourself back on an even keel?

  • Do you doubt yourself or find yourself getting ‘stuck’ in some way?

  • Are you going through a difficult or particularly challenging time at the moment?

  • Are you just unsure what you need, but feel that something isn’t right and would like to explore options, possibilities and choices?


As a Wellness Life Coach with nearly forty years of working within the field of complementary medicine. I have acquired the skills, knowledge and expertise to help you clarify what is really important to you, what you really want! Not what you think you ‘should’ be doing. I will help you navigate your way to achieving more than you may ever have believed was possible. A few coaching sessions can literally transform your thinking, discover fresh perspective, realise your strengths and talents, explore choices, make changes and re-orientate your life!


Price per session £45.00

A free 30 minute consultation is required prior to first session


Your Pathway to Wellness

One-to-One | Online | In Person

© 2023 Blue Lotus Life Coaching

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